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Martyr AMMOUR Ahmed

joomla share module


Aujourd'hui :Aujourd'hui :245
Hier :Hier :72
Semaine :Semaine :323
Mois :Mois :1249
Total :Total :145379

Nous avons 1666265 invités et aucun membre en ligne



Rethinking the Curricular Content of the ENS ELT Degree

Fearing Underteaching and Dreading Overreaching: Rethinking the Curricular Content of the ENS ELT Degree

Study Day May, 08 th, 2022 ENS Oran

Conference Organizers:

Dr. Khalida KISSI SEBBAH (Chairperson)

Prof. Abdelghani NAIT BRAHIM Mr.

Djamel SEBBAH (Head of the Department of Foreign Languages)

day program

Workshops and Seminar series

evenement scientifique        workshops coming soon
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