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Martyr AMMOUR Ahmed


Aujourd'hui :Aujourd'hui :38
Hier :Hier :384
Semaine :Semaine :537
Mois :Mois :1997
Total :Total :187685

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international conference entitled: Research in French language and literature in the context of the Algerian university: State of play, innovations and perspectives


University Mohamed Lamine Debaghine Sétif 2
in collaboration with the Laboratory Arab acculturation in literature and criticism From the Faculty of Arts and Languages and with the participation of  L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie

Research in French language and literature has known, for a little more than a decade, a certain dynamic. With the help of the context in the establishment of the EDAF (franco-algerian graduate school supported by the FEF),[Lire la suite]

UNESCO : Mobile Learning Week 2019: Call for proposals open

UNESCO is pleased to announce that proposal submissions for Mobile Learning Week (https://en.unesco.org/mlw) are now open. MLW 2019 will be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 8 March 2019....[lire la suite]

SIEST 2019

siest   Colloque SIEST Méditerranée 2019 Education scientifique et technologique
Patras du 03 au 05 avril 2019
Université de Patras -26504 Rio Achaia (Grèce) 
Ce colloque a pour ambition d’échanger à propos de problématiques et méthodologies de travail propres à la recherche en éducation scientifique, technologique et professionnelle, de comparer les résultats obtenus et recenser les avancées de la recherche dans un tel domaine au sein de la région méditerranée. ...[Lire la suite]

Workshops and Seminar series

evenement scientifique        workshops coming soon
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